About me

I am Camila Raigoso and I am very silence person, I like pop music because I think that it has a very beautiful rhythm, I like electronic music because it’s innovative. I have two hobbies that are read and play video games in ps3 and computers, I do fencing, but in my school I play tennis and basketball, I like the scarred and romantics films. In this moment I am studying in the I.P.A.R.M. this is a nice school, I am fourteen and I am in ninth grade. Rally I do not have a lot of thiks to tell about me. I have a fatastic family I can say that is ameazing, I hae a brother called Nicolas, my mother called Rocio, and my father called Carlos, we are a very united family, we allways have fun ad enjoy the time that we pass together

I don’t have many friends in my school, but one of my most dears friends is Daniela .M she is funny and compressive she always listen my when I am sad or worry, my best friend is Sofia she is fifteen she is serious and quite, but sometimes she talks a lot. She is like my sister we are together since I started the school.

I have many friend in fencing, all of they are funny and talkative, My dears friends in fencing are David that is seventeen, Paula, she is sixteen, and Juan he is twelve, we always are talking, we are very unite, we usually pass the time together.

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